Id number- 3165244168 (home phone number with area code)
    Pin number- 29482 (last 5 digits of your SS #)
    It is your responsibility to request a sub anytime you will be absent unless your building administrator specifically tells you the sub has already been arranged.
    Try to arrange for a sub as far in advance as possible. Keep the confirmation number. Should receive email notification when the request has been filled.


    Go to the USD 261 homepage, click on Staff, go to the Teacher tab and click on MLP.
    User name: (email address)
    Password:**** (year you were hired)
    Set up User Profile
    Select Personal Goals
    Verify My Certificate
    Submit IPDP
    Use Professional Leave Request for any activities other than Committee meetings or Curriculum projects after receiving prior permission from your building administrator.
    Content Standards refer to activities you participate in that match your areas of licensure, such as Elementary Reading Instruction. Professional Standards refer to activities that improve your overall professional skills, such as Classroom Management. Service to the Profession refers to activities in which you give back to the profession, such as Mentoring.
    You may also have to do an Ereq for expenses unless your building secretary does that for you.
    You must still request a sub through AESOP.
    Enroll in activities through District Catalog. If attending events at The Learning Center, you also need to enroll online/by phone/paper registration.
    After completing the activity, fill out the Knowledge Validation Form.

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