1. How can I help my child??

How can I help my child??
For your child’s 20 minute reading time
each night, have them read the latest
chapter in our Science textbook. Good
review and practice!
*Math Study Links are sent home most
every night. Please go over them with your student for better
understanding of the day’s lesson.
*Spelling words should be studied for a few minutes each
night as well.
Yes, that’s right...our state
assessments have made
their journey to us once
again. We are currently
preparing for our students
to take their reading assessment,
which will be the week of Feb. 26th
thru the 28th. As you make any yearly
doctor appointments for your child,
please try your best to avoid these
days. We want your child to be as
prepared. If appointments can not be
avoided, please let your child’s teacher
know so that we can make arrange-
ments to accommodate. Thank you!
Assessment Time
~ Albert Einstein
Fourth Grade
February 6, 2013
Issue 6
Dates to remember:
Feb. 11-14: parent
teacher conferences
Feb. 13:classroom
valentines parties
Feb. 15: No school
Feb. 18: No school
Feb. 26-28: Reading
Weather in Kansas is always
been unpredictable, but we
have hit the winter season
and the weather is colder.
Please see to it that your
children leave the house
dressed appropriately.
Upcoming skills:
Math: beginning division strategies
Science: physical science introduces us to the proper-
ties that describe matter and how matter can change
physically and chemically.
Reading: reading through theme 4 shows us stories and
characters that do some “problem solving”...plus, con-
quering the State Reading Assessment...Go 4th Grade!
Please take a quick mi-
nute to check your
child’s agenda for any
notes from the teacher
or homework to be finished.
Can you believe we are half way through the
school year? Time sure flies when you’re being
productive. As the teachers enhance that produc-
tivity, we soon find the need to replenish a few
class supplies. If you could send new dry-erase
markers and new pencils for our students to use,
it would be very much appreciated...PENCILS,
Learn from yesterday, live for
today, hope for tomorrow. The
important thing is to not stop
Valentines party:
Classroom Parties will
take place on Wednesday
Feb.13th, towards the
end of the day. Please
check in with your child’s
room parent to see how
you can help the kids
celebrate in a fun way!

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